We pay our honors and deepest respects to Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. I’ll always remember Carrie not just for her iconic role in the “Star Wars” saga but also for her endearing role as Phoebe Cates’ character’s best friend Janie in “Drop Dead Fred,” the funny movie about a girl with an imaginary childhood friend who comes back to life.
“Singing in the Rain” was amazing. It just made you feel good to watch the movie and sing along to the whimsical title track. We love you, Carrie and Debbie!
George Michael was a superstar. His 1980’s hits were back-to-back and in rapid-fire succession. We all loved, danced, cried and laughed while listening to George’s music.
Alan Thicke always made us laugh and just seemed like a really, genuinely nice guy.