Saturn, Uranus, Venus & Jupiter – Tradition, Excitement, Loveliness and Generosity for the holidays
Saturn, Uranus, Venus & Jupiter – Tradition, Excitement, Loveliness and Generosity for the holidays

Saturn, Uranus, Venus & Jupiter – Tradition, Excitement, Loveliness and Generosity for the holidays

We’re experiencing something rare and wonderful on Christmas and Hanukkah. Saturn, the great disciplinarian and Uranus, the electrifying trailblazer, will meet for a holiday full of surprises, tradition and excitement. Hold on to your hats. Mercury is retrograde so it’s sure to bring people back from the past. We’ll all have fun exchanging gifts and stories and catching up with people who are special in our lives.

Lovely Venus & magnanimous Jupiter will also get in on the mix on December 25th.


Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas!

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