The Electric Avenue paved the way for the uprising in Egypt
The Electric Avenue paved the way for the uprising in Egypt

The Electric Avenue paved the way for the uprising in Egypt

For the Egyptians, the road to revolution was paved by the Electric Avenue and the inventions of the Age of Aquarius, namely the Internet and, more specifically, the marvelous communicative wonders of Twitter and Facebook.


Paranoid and oppressive governments have long controlled the printing presses and the air waves but the World Wide Web proved much too pervasive for mind control to prevail. Instead of apathy, ignorance and obliviousness, the Egyptians chose truth, freedom and the kind of ballsy protests that meant risking everything today for a better future tomorrow. Our posterity will look back on this moment as a time when the people took back their power from an oppressive form of government. Expansive Jupiter in combative Aries facilitated the need for change and highlighted the fact that power concedes nothing without a demand. When rebellious, electric, eclectic Uranus goes back into Aries in March to stay for seven years, there will be a sweeping, widespread need for action in replacing old, outdated governments and systems of doing things with fresh, new, exciting proposals and methods. As long as we keep the good of the many in mind, we’ll be fine. Change can seem a little unsettling at times, but from it can come great new experiences.        

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