“Big J” & “Lovely V” are all a go-go!!
“Big J” & “Lovely V” are all a go-go!!

“Big J” & “Lovely V” are all a go-go!!

If certain relations and enthusiasm for projects requiring creativity and passion have chilled in recent weeks, expect things to thaw quite a bit and heat up with smoldering passion now that Venus has turned direct in her second home of Libra. “The Big J” Jupiter has also turned direct in his watery home of Pisces.  Jupiter rules sweet charity and committing to a worthy cause for not just the benefit of humanity, but for all living kind. Don’t be afraid to give a little of yourself. You just might find it to be a spiritually rewarding experience.

When Venus was in Energy Star retrograde mode, people and maybe even a few ex-lovers may have returned from the past to either settle old scores or to deal a hand of karma for past actions. Now we’re free to love wholeheartedly once again. That’s wholeheartedly and not unconditionally; that will still depend on who it is and how well they’ve treated you, of course.Venus is all about true love and aesthetic value so you can definitely kick your dating up a notch or plan some sort of cosmetic procedure. Sweetness and light just may return to relating so if you’ve had nothing but cold fish in recent weeks, prepare for a few Wahoos or bed sharks for a change. 😉

If your faith in miracles, whether minor or large, has taken a dip lately then you should probably prepare for a change of circumstance. Venus and Jupiter are all about good fortune, happiness, prosperity, beauty and light — and by light we mean philosophy, compassion, generosity and kindness. Jupiter means expansion and living life in abudance. Venus is about beauty, harmony and these two planets hold tremendous influence over business and profits so their direct turns are welcome news for the economy.

It’s quite momentous to have these two very influential luminaries go forward on the very same day. Get as much done as you possibly can from now through the end of the month. The cosmic instant messenger Mercury dims its lights in Energy Star saver retrograde mode for much of next month so the holidays should be a time of reflection and celebration in joyous reverie. Long-lost relatives will definitely come out of the proverbial woodwork.

The trouble with Mercury’s impending retrograde in December is that it could make the season rife with delays and miscommunications; so make certain to make a travel list and plan on checking it twice before you find out exactly when you will meet the airport pat-down people to see if they’ll be naughty or nice to you during your full-body scan. You won’t want to buy any electronic items in December, either. Should you try to defy the odds and do anyway, it’ll likely break before you or whoever you’re giving it to has the chance to fully enjoy it. Or perhaps the item will become obsolete quicker than it would had you bought it in November.

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