We are beings of Energy & Water – Mars turns direct!
We are beings of Energy & Water – Mars turns direct!

We are beings of Energy & Water – Mars turns direct!

If things have been a little slow-going or if progress seems to have agonizingly wait-and-see since the third week of January, we know why. The high-octane cosmic force of Mars has been retrograde since then. Now it goes direct on this Friday the 13th and there’s nothing superstitious about it. Go ahead and step on a crack or walk under a ladder because Mars encourages ACTION!

We can all put those good plans and terrific ideas into place without having to deal with so many roadblocks or hindrances. For an added kicker, wait to start something big after the new moon in earthy Taurus on April 21st. Taurus is a practical sign that will make sure that our dreams are planted firmly in reality. Yes, I know, I know, “reality” is probably a shared illusion but hey we live in a linear world of matter so why not do something that brings you added security and comfort? I’m all for it! Let’s ROCK!

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