Viva la Resistance!
Viva la Resistance!

Viva la Resistance!

In his role as U.S. president, Donald Trump has been kicking ass and taking names. He’s become a lightning rod for controversy and is the quintessential equal opportunity offender. His policies have riveted the nation and his decisions have rocked this country to its core. Internationally, America has been a wild card because of Trump’s shock and awful campaign as president. No other candidate in history has campaigned beyond the election itself but Trump has never left his perch on the bully pulpit.

Trump’s dangerous and retrograde policies have left many demanding accountability from he who holds the highest office in the land. Conversely, Obama inspired and energized a nation that felt a little more united, albeit among a string of violent outbursts around the country from home made terrorists and gun toting crazy people.

Thousands across the country stand united in resistance to the Republican president, the Republican party and conservatives in general. The 2018 elections may turn out to be a referendum on Trump and in turn, will decimate trust in the Republican party. If the Democrats take control of Congress in 2018, it will invariably spell the end for Trump.

What we’re seeing in the theatrics between fired F.B.I. Director James Comey and President Trump is the histrionics of the commander in chief on full display.  Comey, a straight-laced lawman, is a Sagittarius, meaning that honesty is his only policy. Trump, on the other hand, is a truth contortionist who can bend, twist, roll, punch, kick and scream at truth and treat it as if it’s silly putty in his little man child hands.

The president is a Gemini, the other mutable sign. Geminis are quicksilver, mercurial and very, very restless. Trump seems to be using the presidency for his own entertainment. What’s interesting is that Sagittarius and Gemini are opposing signs, meaning that they are six months apart on the astrological wheel.

Grab some popcorn and a fidget spinner. This could get interesting.

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