Moon Bulletin: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius ??
Moon Bulletin: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius ??

Moon Bulletin: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius ??

This “strawberry” full moon in Sagittarius encourages freedom, optimism, action, honesty and a joie de vive that the archer is well know for! No BS, no waiting around, Sagittarius is always on the go, pointing its arrows in every direction. We can all benefit from this free spiritedness and light fire energy of truthfulness, “live and let live” and above all … freedom. Aim thy arrows high! May the wind be at your backs! (just not the arrows!) Always take a measured approach and do not be hasty, sometimes Sagittarius leaps before they look but they’re very philosophical and always willing to right a wrong. Being around a Sagittarius is always fun and exciting!





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