Pluto-Uranus Square: Ass-Kicker
Pluto-Uranus Square: Ass-Kicker

Pluto-Uranus Square: Ass-Kicker

I can’t say that the vicious square of Pluto and Uranus and ensuing cosmic cross didn’t kick my ass. It did. Big time! So much so that I may have to leave SunShign in the hands of my sister until I can pick myself up and dust off. SunShign will evolve, regardless of what happens to me. This wheel is bigger than any one person. The wheel will spin on, regardless of whether or not I continue to walk the Earth. Godspeed & Good will.

Check out for a full report on what’s going on in the sky this and every month. This month’s volatility will be palpable. Stay calm and keep faith.


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