Has it seemed that you’ve had to retrace certain steps or revisit certain issues that need fresh air or new resolution? Has the conflict subsided and now it’s time to come together to find workable solutions to solve a problem together? Conflict and friction does serve some useful purpose, right? If it were SunShign and roses all of the time life would be pretty dull, right? Bite your sweet tongue!
What I mean is that others may have seemed to be reverting back to a prior view point or method of behavior lately and it’s interesting because you thought maybe you’d evolved past that and have gone on to something greater. Action planet Mars retrograde could be part of the reason why. Check out the Starwavez Retrograde section here on SunShign Daily for more on retrograde planets. Mars is action and octane so if something dear to you has needed some retooling or just a dose of some good old fashioned patience, it’s best to wait it out and do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Rub-a-dub-dub-come-jump-in-my-tub. Now is the time for strategy and the time for action is when Mars turns direct April 14th — for now, use this time to settle matters dear to you and prepare for a wave of new bubbly action coming this spring! Until then, let’s finish what we’ve started, plan for a better tomorrow and make it happen. ;o)