Key Dates: Venus enters Capricorn 11/5 – 3/5/14. Mercury goes direct on Nov. 10 & Neptune follows suit on Nov. 13
Key Dates: Venus enters Capricorn 11/5 – 3/5/14. Mercury goes direct on Nov. 10 & Neptune follows suit on Nov. 13

Key Dates: Venus enters Capricorn 11/5 – 3/5/14. Mercury goes direct on Nov. 10 & Neptune follows suit on Nov. 13

Finally, we can move forward with clarity. Lovely Venus will grace sensible, business-minded, go-get’-em Capricorn for months beginning November 5th and going all the way through to March 5th. Business will go beautifully with pleasure. The pleasure-seeking industries will thrive. Capricorn is an Earth sign with fine tastes for creature comforts. Mercury has been retrograde since October 21st and will finally go direct in Scorpio on November 10th — allow for extra days in the buffer zone to clear the air out, and for an added shot of planetary espresso, Neptune also goes direct in Pisces on November 13th. If these past few weeks have seemed-Twilight Zone weird you can thank both Mercury & Neptune retrogrades for that!

Some interplay between the Sun and Jupiter will be loving on November 12th, bringing jollity to all.

I have to admit: I felt forced to make important decisions in October. I think we all did, ready or not. October was a test of faith in being flexible. November will be thorough, exacting and as penetrating as Scorpio itself. Thank God we can see the light at the end of the murky tunnel. Shine a little light on the truth.

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