We send Hallmark Birthday Greetings to a man who has never needed an introduction but always insists on having one anyway: Donald Trump.
“DT,” his initials, also stands for “done trying,” at least when it comes to his nixed presidential ambitions. “The Donald” is masterful with words, especially when it comes to his highly-developed artistic sense of effective and enduring (although never endearing) tireless efforts at self-promotion. Trump would like the public to believe that he is a highly-successful and sophisticated businessman with media savvy and the oratory skills to match. If someone were to show you two pictures: one of Trump and the other of Virgo businessman Warren Buffett, chances are more people would recognize The Donald” than they would the Bershire Hathaway CEO, who is far richer and the more successful of the two. Take nothing away from Trump, however, as Donald as amassed an empire in his own right and credit is certainly due where he has earned it. Speaking of credit, is his Trump Holdings company still in bankruptcy? Okay, okay, this is not the roast of Donald Trump but “The Donald” knows better than anybody: no publicity is bad publicity.