Full Moon in Pisces: Love or Die, Serve or Suffer
Full Moon in Pisces: Love or Die, Serve or Suffer

Full Moon in Pisces: Love or Die, Serve or Suffer

It seems there’s a lot of vitriol and bullshit in the world today as everyone looks out for themselves and fuck everybody else. Really, people aren’t we better than rabbits chasing that next carrot? Something will happen with this annual full moon in the sign that melts boundaries, ignites the imagination and encourages grace, compassion and love – Pisces.

“Reality” is a shared illusion and Pisces teaches us that life is a beautiful adventure of sacrifice, kindness, generosity and love. Are you up to the watery challenge? Let love truly reign supreme.

Pisces is the sign of miracles so perhaps those out there who feel they need a change of circumstance will probably be in for some much-needed good news. It seems that everywhere we turn these days we’re bombarded by negativity. Love truly is the answer. Give it. Get it. Think good thoughts! Negativity is a form of self-indulgence that is absolutely useless. Do away with it!


“…I used to be a lunatic from the gracious days…”

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