Full Moon Alert: Capricorn – There is business at hand!
Full Moon Alert: Capricorn – There is business at hand!

Full Moon Alert: Capricorn – There is business at hand!

The wise, industrious goat ushers in this month’s Full Moon in Capricorn. The time for planning is over. Capricorn’s business savvy and blunt, zany sense of humor serve as thrust too get us moving in the right direction of our goals. Sometimes, too much planning and contemplation can stifle good old fashioned action. Doing is often the best teacher.

Capricorn teaches us to be practical, efficient and realistic. We’re challenged to make the best use of our time and to be goal oriented. In today’s fast-paced society, sometimes it’s easy to lose track of purpose or what we want out of life. The Capricorn full moon energy inspires us to take concrete steps toward realizing our goals. It can also help us to define those goals if we’ve lost sight of them. It’s a time of focus and practicality.

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