Age of Rebellion?
Age of Rebellion?

Age of Rebellion?


Look around. A lot of people seem fed up and some are professing that they’re simply not going to take it anymore. Here’s a staggering article on what could be in store if governments do not reform. Politicians need to be enlightened to the fact that they’re in public service, not self-service. Get your hands out of the cookie jar!




The Square Dance of Change


Monday, April 21, 2014 at 12:20pm PDT / 19:20 UT
Uranus direct at 13° 34′ Aries, Pluto stationary retrograde at 13° 34′ Capricorn

Uranus and Pluto are no cosmic lightweights. They are the pair that were active in the sky during “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” of a decade, the 1960s. Conjunct at that time in the Mercury-ruled, earth sign of Virgo, the 60s marked the genesis and starting point of a very long cycle between these two planets: a long, slow dance performed as they inch their way around the zodiac wheel, a dance that will last over a century.

Because the genesis point in their cycle began in Virgo, Virgo-influenced themes have and will continue to be central in this time of great change and upheaval during this opening square, “turning point” phase in their cycle. Healthcare and other wellbeing issues, including alternative forms of healing, workforce and job challenges, nutrition, food production, hygiene, changes in the way we work and structure our days, and the more esoteric mind-body-spirit connections — are all associated with this earthy sign that falls in opposition to ethereal Pisces. This current, super intense, opening square between these two dynamos first came into preliminary focus in 2010 and will be in potent, “acute” effect through 2015.

The square aspect in astrology is associated with conflict, stress, and change, bigchange — all the more so given who is squaring off. Astrologer Dane Rudhyar noted that an opening square in a planetary cycle, as this one is, signals a time of “crisis in action” and a call for “managerial, forceful activity” — or in other words, time to take the bull by the horns! Personal bull as well as collective bull that is, for outer planet transit effects are both individual and global. The fundamental drive with the opening square is the building of new and better foundations that will support the escalating growth of this waxing, building phase. A passionate strong will is often associated with square aspects; but with this, also comes a need for flexibility. What was begun, the seeds that were planted, during the previous conjunction phase, the beginning of the cycle approximately fifty years ago, is revealing itself more and more, emerging via the growing tension and unrest that is in evidence all around the globe.

Looking ahead to Uranus and Pluto’s first square alignment this year on April 21st, we see that it coincides with Pluto’s station retrograde on April 14th, with Pluto still hovering — and especially powerful — at its station degree of 13° 34′ Capricorn. This particular alignment is especially notable as Mars, which will be in reflective, hopefully less combative, retrograde motion in justice-oriented, fair-minded Libra, will be transiting this same degree two days later, on April 23rd, perfecting an opposition to Uranus and a square Pluto. Jupiter in Cancer also joins the “fun” at the same time squaring Uranus and Mars and opposing Pluto from the Moon’s sign of Cancer. Altogether the four transform the Uranus-Pluto square into a much more complex Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto Grand Cross: two squares crossing each other. This alignment, like both in 2013, also coincides with eclipses, adding greatly to the intensity. There will be a lunar eclipse in Libra on April 15th and an Annular Solar Eclipse two weeks later on April 29th in the early degrees of Taurus.

“When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure.”

—Rudolf Bahro

Uranus, the Awakener

Uranus is the “awakener,” our astrological wild card. Functioning primarily as a catalyst for change, Uranus liberates by pulling the carpet out from underneath our carefully planned lives. Disruptive and destabilizing, but also progressive and innovative, Uranus is associated with technology and science, its use and misuse. Uranus is also like white noise, the static that disturbs the signal. He is the higher octave of our trickster Mercury. The lovely photo here shows Uranus in its crescent phase and was taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft.

All planets in our solar system rotate on an axis, an imaginary line that runs through the center of the planet from north to south. Imagine a crochet needle thrust through a spinning ball of yarn and you’ll get the idea. This axis is sometimes on a slight tilt, which is what creates seasonal changes on the planet. As far as we know, Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side; and if you are familiar with the way in which the astrological Uranus operates, you will recognize this as fitting. Scientists think Uranus was knocked on its side, by the way, when an object, about the same size as Earth, collided with it. So eccentric Uranus, like its associated zodiacal archetype, orbits the Sun in its own unique manner, rolls around the Sun like a barrel, rather than a top, and its moons, instead of orbiting the planet from left to right, go over the top of it and then under. If we could see them, they would resemble the lights on a ferris wheel.

The rings of Uranus shown here — yes Saturn is not the only planet with rings — were discovered back in 1977 when Uranus occulted (passed in front of) a star and scientists observed dips in the brightness of the star. Their observations suggested that Uranus was surrounded by at least 5 rings. Four more rings were discovered in a subsequent occultation, and then two more were found by Voyager 2, making the total count of 11 rings for Uranus.

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.”

— Thomas Merton


Both Uranus and Pluto are de-structuring agents that, while operating in very different ways, both clear away the old to make way for the new. “Similar to a snake shedding its skin,” astrologer Howard Sasportas noted, “something pushes at us from deep within, impels us to move beyond old or outworn phases of life and leads the way to further growth and evolution.” With Uranus it is usually the carpet swiftly pulled out from underneath us. While Pluto, as Sasportas wrote, “makes sure that we let go by obliterating the old form entirely, until there is nothing left. Demanding that a cycle end and a new one begins, Pluto leaves us with little choice other than to change or die.”

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld

Pluto represents the potentially destructive, titanic forces of nature, human nature included. Elemental, volcanic, seismic — Pluto is chthonic, he rises from the depths, transforming everything in his wake. He is a deep bass note, almost out of range. If you’ve ever heard the ground groan and rumble during an earthquake, you’ve heard his voice. Pluto is the deeper “octave” of Mars, the God of War and Passion. They co-rule that intense and passionate sign, Scorpio.

Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has been but a tiny light even in the largest of telescopes. The Hubble Space Telescope, however has now pieced together an image map of Pluto, shown here, that shows never-before-seen detail. The new map is so clear, astronomers have even been able to detect changes on the dwarf planet’s surface by comparing earlier Hubble images. While the view isn’t sharp enough to see craters or mountains, if they exist, it does reveal a complex-looking and variegated world with white, dark-orange, and charcoal-black terrain. The overall color is believed to be a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane that is present on Pluto’s surface.

The story of how Pluto was discovered, just as it was entering into an opening square with Uranus, itself reveals much about its cloaked and mysterious workings. Here’s an excerpt from a interesting article on Pluto’s discovery at Oracle’s ThinkQuest site:

Percival Lowell was an astronomer who began looking for the ninth planet he called Planet X. He built a private observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, hoping to find this planet. He had to prove it existed, and he was positive he could. Lowell tried many searches to find Planet X in his observatory, but had no success. His first search ended in 1909, but he started a second search in 1913. He and many other people searched for Planet X from 1913 to 1915. In 1915 Lowell published the results of his search. Unknown to him, that very same year, two small pictures of Planet X were recorded at his observatory. No one would discover those pictures for another 15 years. Along with the two small pictures of Planet X, Lowell also discovered 515 asteroids and 700 different stars no one had ever seen before. Even though he found all this, Lowell was still very disappointed that he didn’t find Planet X. He died the next year, not knowing that he actually discovered the new planet.


Years passed before the next search for Planet X began. In December 1929, Clyde Tombaugh, an amateur astronomer, was hired to search for the planet. He took photographs of the solar system every one or two weeks, looking for anything that shifted against the background of stars. The method worked and Tombaugh, a 24-year-old lab assistant from Kansas, finally discovered Planet X on Feb. 18, 1930. Lowell had missed Planet X because he never expected it to be so small. The photo shows Clyde Tombaugh, at age 22.


“Crisis is opportunity riding a dangerous wind.”

— Chinese Proverb


This extended square dance between Uranus and Pluto will produce a whopping seven exact squares, all falling within five degrees in a three-year period. The first exact square alignment occurred in June 2012 and the last will fall in March of 2015.

The blending of Uranus and Pluto is probably the most transformational and potentially explosive of all the planetary combinations, all the more so when activated through one of the most intense, action-oriented of all aspects, the square. The last time these planets fell in this same challenging arrangement was in the 1930s. At that time Uranus was in Aries, as it is now, and Pluto was squaring, not from Capricorn, but from the sign opposite, Moon-ruled Cancer. Two seminal events of the 1930s were America’s Great Depression, and the rise of Nazi fascism in Germany. This 1930s square also, interestingly, followed on the heels of Pluto’s discovery in 1930.

“The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn’t the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility.”

— John Lennon

Over the next few years as these “exact square waves” hit shore, we will see a crescendo in the Uranus-Pluto “noise” — bringing us new seminal events, ones that will probably echo historical themes of the 1930s in some way. We will also see a recapitulation and renaissance of the events and themes that played out in the 1960s as well. The road ahead will not be smooth, the astrology indicates that the next few years will be a time of turbulence, crisis, and conflict. Change, while difficult and often painful, is necessary for us to grow and develop. The old skin must be shed.

But that’s so easy to say isn’t it? And yet so hard to live, hard to live with such uncertainty. Whether we meet our upcoming Uranus-Pluto crises kicking and screaming, hanging on to the old life for dear life, or we bravely let go and allow those wild waves take us where they will, big change, regardless, is coming.

We have known for a long time that we must move toward becoming “one,” toward becoming a global village. We must become an integrated system of life. Knowing that is one thing. Actually doing something about it is another. This crisis is the global opportunity to become what we need to become — and in that, it is the great turning point of humanity.

If you can imagine that through an archetypal lens, then you can envision many paths through a forest opening up. Always the new paths descend as the old are removed — always. That, too, is the silver lining. You have to learn how to perceive the new paths.

Uranus Square Pluto Exact Alignment Dates 2012-2015

  • June 24, 2012: Uranus direct at 08° 23′ Aries, Pluto rx at 08° 23′ Capricorn
  • Sept 18, 2012: Uranus rx at 06° 57′ Aries, Pluto station direct at 06° 57′ Capricorn
  • May 20, 2013: Uranus direct at 11° 14′ Aries, Pluto rx at 11° 14′ Capricorn
  • Nov 1, 2013: Uranus rx at 9° 26′ Aries, Pluto direct at 9° 26′ Capricorn
  • April 21, 2014: Uranus direct at 13° 34′ Aries, Pluto rx at 13° 34′ Capricorn
  • Dec 14, 2014: Uranus rx at 12° 35′ Aries, Pluto direct at 12° 35′ Capricorn
  • March 16, 2015: Uranus direct at 15° 18′ Aries, Pluto direct at 15° 18′ Capricorn

Looking Ahead…

The December 2014 square falls at 12° 35′ and includes Venus in Capricorn, which will also be at this same degree just a few days later, conjoining Pluto and squaring Uranus on December 20th. This alignment does not coincide with eclipses and Uranus will be in retrograde motion, but only one minute away from its upcoming station direct. Pluto and Venus are both direct. It is notable that Venus conjoins Pluto and squares Uranus from the sign in which she retrograded this past winter, beginning on December 21st, on the day of the Capricorn Solstice 2013.

The last square on March 16, 2015 also coincides with eclipses and also includes Mars, not forming a t-square this time but conjoining Uranus, in Aries the sign Mars rules, while simultaneously squaring Pluto. Uranus, Pluto and Mars will all be direct, although Pluto will already be at a very slow crawl and only minutes away from its station retrograde degree. A total solar eclipse falls on Mar 20th at 29 degrees Pisces, the very last degree of the zodiac wheel. 29 degrees Pisces is a sensitive point, not just due to its distinction of being the final degree of the final sign, but fixed star Sheat, long associated with maritime disasters, coincides with this same “anaretic” degree. While I am reluctant to bring up bad news, the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred while Uranus (which rules technology, including nuclear technology and its radiation) was perched at this same, very last “gasp” of Pisces.

With this final alignment coinciding with a 29-Pisces solar eclipse, the point of the zodiac wheel where an old cycle ends and a new one begins, where we emerge out of “collective” Pisces ideally bringing these Piscean, “all things connected” insights into the field of active, pioneering Aries, is the absolute need for us to work urgently, collectively on this small planet of ours to pull ourselves out of the very dark pit into which we have fallen. I write this a little less than one year ahead of this final alignment date, and I fear that unless we can begin to reverse our direction significantly and quickly, we are going to see more and more of these terrible tragedies, which will naturally get worse and worse until we face the reality of what we are doing to our planet, our people, and start instituting big change. And we have to do this as a collective, or it won’t work. Single voices are too easy to dismiss, ignore.

How will this all work out? No one knows. It is up to us whether or not we birth a new world in which we finally become the caretakers and stewards of this beautiful planet that sustains us, or we continue on this path of greed and destruction.


Blue Moon Astrology



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