Full Moon in Aries: The First in a Series of Powerful Eclipses
Full Moon in Aries: The First in a Series of Powerful Eclipses

Full Moon in Aries: The First in a Series of Powerful Eclipses

moon-in-zodiacal-sign-aries (1)Easy there! Mercury is about to retrograde on October 21 so the impetuousness that we’re feeling during this full moon energy in Aries will be tempered by the need to slow down, take stock of the situation at hand and proceed cautiously. In the next few weeks, people will come back from the past and issues left unsettled will need attention.

This full moon in Aries is no ordinary moon — it’s a lunar eclipse and the first in a series of Aries / Libra eclipses that will “eclipse” situations, people and things that have outlived their usefulness out of our lives. It’ll usher in new circumstances that will hopefully serve our highest good. Don’t fear change; instead, embrace it and run with it! To know what areas of your life will be affected, check out AstrologyZone.com or AstroStyle.com


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