Supercharged ram: Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in a dozen years
Supercharged ram: Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in a dozen years

Supercharged ram: Jupiter enters Aries for the first time in a dozen years

Jupiter, the great benefic and the largest planet in our solar system, has entered the sign of Aries for the first time since 2011. This will mean a time of increased action, more innovation and the spirit that anything is possible and there is no problem that cannot be solved. Aries has the pioneering spirit that is ingrained in our primal urges. The pure brute force of the Aries ram and the powerful range and expansive capability of Jupiter will make this an interesting time. Jupiter will remain in Aries until late November, when it regresses back into the sign of the fish, Pisces. It will then return to Aries before the end of 2022 and will remain in the cardinal sign of action until May of 2023.

Aries cannot stand idle stagnation and will do its part to shake up the status quo. The younger generation, who have felt stymied by the current state of the world, feel the need to rise up to make a difference and to bring lasting change. The powers that be will continue to resist efforts for lasting change and reform. Aries energy is like the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Something’s gotta give!

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