Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Al Gore and the memory of activist Cesar Chavez
Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Al Gore and the memory of activist Cesar Chavez

Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Al Gore and the memory of activist Cesar Chavez

We send fond Hallmark Birthday Greetings to former U.S. vice president Al Gore. The ex-veep is not afraid to take a stand on issues that were initially tough for the conventional media to accept. His “An Inconvenient Truth” caused eyes to roll and heads to turn when it was released a few years ago.

Gore sounds a lot like a preacher and his gospel was evidence of global warming and what we humans have done to cause it. Imagine what life would be like if Gore had become president: we probably wouldn’t be seeing the $4-5 gas prices that we see now. Back in 2001 just as he and Clinton were leaving office, a gallon of gas barely cost $1. By the time G.W. and Cheney stopped stroking their Saudi masters when they left office in 2009, gas had skyrocketed and the nation’s economy was crippled.

Revisionist history aside, Gore is the founder of Current TV. He has sought to inject his brand of  liberalism and newsworthy noteworthiness into the increasingly-scattered American psyche. To his chagrin, he hired Keith Olbermann to try to boost Current’s miniscule ratings but it only amounted to scant viewers and major headbutting.

Note to Gore: in this rebellious, technologically-driven society that we now live in, irreverent news styles such as those employed by Jon Stewart are taken more seriously than the serious, so-called hard news journos of the big corporate media giants. In other words, don’t low-ball us or think of us as stupid and as if we have to be spoken down to in order to get through to. Raise the bar, my friends, and perhaps your ratings will go up, too. What do I know, though, right? I once worked for the Nielsen Company.



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