CAUTION: Road blocks on the way to the Age of Aquarius up ahead — Reality Checkpoint — 1/4 of the way into this transition to the Age of Aquarius
On August 19, 2024, a full moon double T square will be criss crossing the sky and we’ll all be under a certain amount of pressure. In the U.S., it’s the same day that the Democratic National Convention will begin in what is already an election cycle worthy of an episode of the Twilight Zone.
The full moon in Aquarius, the sign ruling groups, higher idealism, far-out inventions and higher mindedness. This full moon will oppose both the mighty Sun and cosmic messenger Mercury, both in the boisterous, rambunctious and showy sign of Leo. Fixed signs do not budge easy, if at all! The full moon in Aquarius will also form a tough 90-degree square to unpredictable shock jock Uranus in Taurus, the fixed Earth sign of tradition and values. Think this: “the immovable object meets the irresistible force.” Something’s gotta give! The fireworks will fly at the Democratic Nation Convention and there will be an orange-hued piñata named Trump on the minds of many.
The full moon will illuminate on August 19 and the great “benefic” (called that for its positive, uplifting energy) Jupiter in the sign of loquacious Gemini and the great “malefic” (called that for its stern, cold energy) Saturn in the sign of the dreamer Pisces, the two largest and most influential planets in the solar system will square each other in the sky. It’s a deep dive that will peel back layers like an onion. Like a snake, it’s the shedding of the skin. Jupiter is optimism and hopefulness and Saturn is the proverbial wet blanket, cold, icy and the ultimate realist. “You want what?” “Get real,” says Saturn. If you want that, you better work hard for it and what are you willing to sacrifice? Jupiter expands what it touches so communication will be paramount and the only problem with this is Mercury retrograde can make communication difficult in general. People become hard to reach, they can become forgetful and absent minded. “What do I want this, anyway?”
What does it mean? It will mean challenge and opportunity that will bring great change. Just how we use this energy is up to you.
That’s the way to look at it. With Uranus in the mix, it could bring some unexpected circumstances into the equation. Loose lips sink ships! So discretion is the better part of valor.
Four years ago, Jupiter and Saturn met in December of 2020 and appeared like a big, bright, singular star in the sky. It was dubbed and celebrated as the “Christmas Star” by the media. This “Grand Conjunction” of the two powerhouse planets happens only once every twenty years and their last meeting in 2020 was the ushering in of the Age of Aquarius. This change calls for less emphasis on material possessions, wealth, accumulation and more in the way of togetherness through technology, new ways of governing and an upgrade to all of our societal patterns that have far outlived their usefulness. It’s time to get with the program! The harder we try to hold on to the old ways, the more difficult this T square is going to be. We must release the old to usher in and welcome the new! Community, technology, togetherness, knowledge and helpfulness will supplant status through wealth, land ownership and other transitory illusions that make us feel comfortable and better than others. Aquarius demands equality. None of us are better than any other! We may be better at things than other humans and others will always be better at certain things than us, but at the end of the day, we are all One in this grand cosmic thing called life! No matter how good you think you are at something, and you can be one of the very best, there is always going to be someone out there who is better than you at something, that’s just life! The only exception is if you are an Olympic athlete with a gold medal. 🥇
Now, these two planets are at odds with each other and asking you to step outside of yourself, get rid of the baggage that is holding you back and to embrace your true inner destiny. Jupiter will also square hot headed and impatient Mars. All this is happening while Mercury (planet of the mind) is retrograde. Luckily, Venus is in the mix from her perch in analytic and matter-of-fact Virgo to bring calm so hopefully cooler heads will prevail.
There will be tension in the air that is palpable. Take deep breaths, do yoga, keep a dream journal, do whatever is takes to try to center yourself. The best way to deal with this energy is to take a nice, long walk to let off steam. If it’s in nature, all the better! Nature will be a wonderful healing balm. To be aware is to be empowered!
Has my analysis confused you? Here’s some clarity and guidance from the Astro Twins. They always come in clutch with the best astrology content!
And mind the squares (two of them!) on August 19
There are three squares (90-degree clashes between two planets) and two T-square (three-way tug of wars that involve an opposition and two squares) today. It’s atypical to even have one T-square, much less a double.
- Venus-Jupiter: Brace yourself for mayhem on August 19 when the two “benefic” planets (Venus and Jupiter, named that for their positive, helpful influence) butt heads, making everyone argumentative and contrarian. Nobody’s willing to compromise, but everyone’s got an opinion. Ack! Hold off on making any major decisions, whether on the status of your relationship or booking an Airbnb with a couple of questionable reviews.
- Sun-Uranus: Egos, tempers, and ideological battles…help! Narcissistic tendencies are on breathtaking display, also on August 19, thanks to a volatile square between the domineering Leo Sun and disrupter Uranus in Taurus. People may be quick to snap or send nasty emails, so do your best to fly under the radar and stay away from tantrum-throwing tinderboxes. If you find yourself walking on eggshells, defuse the situation by calling a timeout instead of further provoking the “opposition.”
- Jupiter-Saturn: Disagreements could also break out on August 19 as outspoken Jupiter and stubborn Saturn lock horns. And since they’re in the “dual” signs of Gemini and Pisces, making a decision could feel nearly impossible! Conversations can get deadlocked quickly, as this planetary impasse makes people petty and passive-aggressive. Regulate your energy instead of scattering it. Under these stars, it’s best not to spread yourself too thin or launch your ideas without a proper plan.
From wild to mild? Virgo season begins August 22
Back to the simpler things! The Sun shifts out of high-wattage Leo and moves into Virgo on August 22. Collectively, it’s time to scale back, prioritize, and bring efficiency to our lives, after four weeks of excess.
With el Sol in this nature-loving earth sign, squeeze some alfresco moments into these last four weeks of summer: bike rides to the beach, yoga in the park, lap swims in the saltwater pool. Then, bring some order to your court.
From your storage systems to your project-management software, give everything a proper review. With earthy Virgo ruling the skies, enjoy the harvest of fresh produce. Skip the fast-fashion specials, and support brands with eco-conscious practices and production models.