Hall of Fame Astrologer Walter Mercado dies
Hall of Fame Astrologer Walter Mercado dies

Hall of Fame Astrologer Walter Mercado dies

Famed astrologer Walter Mercado, a Puerto Rican native, has passed away. His famous line at the end of every horoscope broadcast was, “Sobre todo, mucho, mucho amor.” 

He did everything, especially his horoscopes, with love and he wished that love and willed it on his audience. They kept tuning in for all of those years, in fact, decades, because not only did Walter deliver astrological reports and horoscopes in an engaging, flamboyant manner, he also took his work very seriously.

He knew that through television he could deliver messages of love at the end of his of his broadcasts. He would assure us that no matter what was going on in the sky or on terra firma, no matter how turbulent or triumphant, we could make sense of it all with the prevailing, ruler of all emotions, love.

Walter was Latin America’s answer to Sydney Omarr, the famed late, great astrologer of the 20th century. Their styles were so different, yet somewhat similar. They each delivered hope at the end of their messages. Omarr was a giant in print and Walter took on television.

Rest in peace, Walter. “Sobre todo, mucho, mucho amor.”  We love you!

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