XII Signs Zodiac Wheel


Astrology. What kind of energy are you charged with today?

World-renowned fashion astrologer Susan Miller presents a monthly horoscope column that is always spot on accurate!

The best in print horoscopes comes from famed fashion and lifestyle astrologer Susan Miller and her award winning Astrology Zone app and website:

Susan Miller presents Astrology Zone. The best horoscopes available anywhere! Susan writes monthly horoscope columns that are always spot-on accurate and delightfully insightful. Her writing is superb and her ability to relate to the reader is refreshingly wonderful. Her horoscopes can be found in several worldwide periodicals, from Vogue in Japan to Elle magazine. Susan is a mentor and a friend and the best astrologer of our era. She’s right up there with Sydney Omarr, Carroll Righter, Jeanne Dixon, et al.


For short sign descriptions written by our own resident astrologer “Mr Starwavez,” click on your sign to be transported to it


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