The Gemini Boar – Tupac Shakur – The Legendary Poet
The Gemini Boar – Tupac Shakur – The Legendary Poet

The Gemini Boar – Tupac Shakur – The Legendary Poet

We pay homage to a man who was often misunderstood and painted poorly by the mainstream media. Tupac Amaru Shakur was a man of immense talent. His Aries moon often got him into trouble. It was an “act now, ask questions or think about the potential consequences later” kind of impulsiveness. He was born in the Chinese Year of the Pig/Boar. No doubt about it, this man was used to making sacrifices. His Gemini adaptability took to fame easily. He just didn’t always know how to handle the extra attention so he left it to his handlers. The boar can be trusting and generous to a fault.

Tupac is immortalized as the symbol of the struggles he endured as he clawed, kicked, punched, screamed and lyricized his way to the top of the album charts. His music isn’t for everyone. However, if you listen closely to his tracks you will hear his true self come out. Tupac was a poet of the highest order. He shared his struggles and relished in his triumphs in a way that we could all understand and relate to. Sure, his lyrics may have been foul and his message was probably too forthright for some to handle but when you strip away the image you see a man who was generous with his thoughts, feelings and talent.

WARNING: Explicit lyrics. Listener discretion advised.

There will never be another Tupac Shakur. He will be remembered until the end of time as a remarkable poet and an artist who shared his spirit of sacrifice.

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