Saturn turns direct!
Saturn turns direct!

Saturn turns direct!

The rings are-a-spinnin’


“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Hopefully, too, we will be able to move in a forward direction with our lives again, with Saturn finally stationing direct in relationship Libra today.  Saturn denotes our goals and corresponding ability to put down solid foundation for ourselves. Saturn has been retrograde since late January.

Too, wherever Saturn has been retrograding in our personal horoscopes (the house position), is the area of life where we should have been reviewing or retooling things, these past few months. Now we are, hopefully, ready to journey on, with greater wisdom.

We also have love goddess Venus in curious Gemini sextiling liberating Uranus today, with Uranus deposited in thrill-seeking Aries. This is a fun aspect in which we tend to seek out more excitement in our lives. It tends to make us a little wild, both socially and romantically. We are more willing to break out of our cookie-cutter molds and try new things. We also are less afraid to defy convention in our noble quest to express ourselves more freely (Uranus).

Additionally, we have the Moon in intense Scorpio today which serves to strengthen our resolve and determination, and ignite our lusty passions, naturally readying us for encounters of the intimate kind. Too, the Scorpio Moon makes us more comfortable dealing with the complexities of life. The Moon here also gives us a perfect chance to play detective, as Scorpio energy is always good for investigation.

(BTW, I was looking at the horoscope for Prince on his birthday, June 7th, and I noticed that he has his artistic Venus in sensual Taurus exactly square to his Uranus in entertainment Leo.  I thought that that aspect really fits him, as he is such an original entertainer (Uranus) and he also seems to care very little about playing by the conventional rules book when it comes to personal relationships.)

NEWS UPDATE: Two photos of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords were released today and put on her Facebook page. They were the first photos publicly shown of her since she was shot in early January in Arizona during a mass shooting. In the pictures, Giffords is smiling and sporting a new look, with short brown hair replacing her former long blond locks. Giffords is currently in a rehabilitation hospital recuperating from her injuries.

Thought it was interesting how these photos of Giffords, which are sure to garner a lot of attention worldwide, emerged on a day when we have the Venus-Uranus influence exact, and also the revelatory  Scorpio Moon, which can capture transformations, along with Saturn stationing direct. Besides having to deal with love and relationships, Venus also governs matters of physical beauty and appearance. Venus aligned with change agent Uranus can denote “changes in appearance.”

Too, with Saturn going direct now, maybe Giffords life can regain some semblance of normality. Giffords is reportedly scheduled to leave the hospital for outpatient rehabilitation by the end of the month, although her long-term recovery will reportedly take some time. We wish her well. She is surely a great inspiration for all of us, isn’t she?

Enjoy your Sunday! Don’t forget to put on that detective cap!

Patrice Thompson

copyright 2011

Source Notes:


The Detective photo:

Prince horoscope:

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