I found these polarized sunglasses recently made by Foster Grant. The price was right. I used to buy designer shades but after dropping a pair or two and losing more than that I thought I’d go for more economical, especially since frugality is the new in thing these days. I always get polarized to reduce the glare. When I looked at these all I saw was “Polarized” on the lenses so they were good enough for me. When I took them home I tripped out on the name of these shades, visible on the inside frame — REVOLUTION! The vision of the future? Seems very MATRIX to me! We shall see…
The major corporations seem to be hoarding all of their treasures and it’s forcing us all to be frugal and to hold on to our coinage. What ever happened to living life in abundance? Spread the wealth! It begs the question: will some of these nameless, faceless, profit-crazed corporations ever know and show humanity and compassion? Obama seems to have largely toed the line during his first term as president. Perhaps he will grow a pair in his second term if he is reelected. If he is not reelected, this sentiment of the disenfranchised will gather steam and simmer to the point where it could boil over.