Your Zodiac Chart & Star Reading
Your Zodiac Chart & Star Reading

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Your Zodiac Chart & Star Reading


Astrology basics, such as aspects, transits, planetary positions, et. al make up a tapestry or a star chart.

In this report, we count your lucky stars and the rest of them, too. We’ll cover your favorable aspects and transits and tackle the dreaded Saturn return. To know your stars is to know you. And to know you is to love you! Corny we know but oh how true! Wax poetic and take a look at your stars.

Depeche Mode had a song called Personal Jesus. Order this report to get to know your personal stars.

Please be sure to add info necessary for your report — location and time of birth, if known. We will email you your report or reach out to you if you leave out this information. 

Get a glimpse of your stars and get to know your astrology birth chart!



We don’t have any celebrities to introduce you to and we won’t be taking you on one of those cheesy van tours of Hollywood.

“So, what’s the deal with an astrology chart?,” you ask.

Well, an astrology chart is a portrait of the sky when you are born and it is, in essence, the energy of the moment you draw your first breath.

If you’d like to use Cash app to pay for an order, text us at 323-814-1212  Thanks!

If you want to pay us by Cash app instead, email us at and send your first name, location of birth and time of birth, this is needed to process your birth chart for your astrological reading.

Or you can check out now securely with a credit card on Stripe. Just add your item to cart!

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