New Moon in Aquarius — Light, Love, Humanity and the Universality of the Oneness of Life
New Moon in Aquarius — Light, Love, Humanity and the Universality of the Oneness of Life

New Moon in Aquarius — Light, Love, Humanity and the Universality of the Oneness of Life

Aquarius is a fascinating sign. Cool as a cucumber, friendly, unpretentious, accepting, broad minded yet with a fixed focused, the water bearer is an important symbol. Within the jug of Aquarius is not really water at all. It’s the ether. The collect knowledge bestowed by the universe. The wondrous advances we have made as a species have been because we have been able to record and share our knowledge, skills and experience with others. Collectively, we can move mountains! The Age of Aquarius with all the technological advances — just think of how miraculous it truly is for a digital message like email to be transported over long distances and across the globe in mere seconds! It truly is mind boggling. Uranus, the “ruler” of Aquarius (meaning the planet has great sway on Aquarians), is going direct on January 22 after several months of retrograde back peddling. We should see advances in technology speed up in the coming weeks and months. The respect for all living things, the inclusiveness of Aquarius and the nonjudgemental “live and let live” mentality of the celestial water bearer are all endearing and fascinating.

Use the next two weeks to put any group related activities in motion or to go out and buy the latest technology. With Mercury now direct, give it a go to get some gadgets or learn new software.

Aquarius is the collective cooperation of the masses that comes from the knowledge that we truly are all connected on this planet. We share a Oneness and a planet. Let’s unite and heal Mother Earth!

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