Here at Daily SunShign we’ve got high hopes, high ideals and high standards. That’s why we’re being truer to our name by rolling-out content that is truly daily. We’re offering new daily blog posts and we’re announcing a new “Your SunShign Forecast” Simplify: 2012 special. Stay tuned for the exact date but we’re aiming to revolutionize the way you see this landmark year.
The Age of Pisces was all about blurring borders in this global community that we live in. We’re all connected. We’ve been encouraged to embrace and celebrate our differences. Women, minorities and those who are different have been empowered in this age. Now we’re moving into the digital Age of Aquarius — the technological advances that we are now enjoying are only the tip of the iceberg. We’ll touch on the need to Simplify our lives and ourselves so that we can make the most of these very exciting times. “Your SunShign Forecast” Simplify: 2012 is coming soon for each of the 12 SunShigns!
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