Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Charlie Sheen
Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Charlie Sheen

Hallmark Birthday Greetings: Charlie Sheen

charlie-sheen-091312- (7)
Charlie likes Coke

Happy Birthday to the one man who helped make Two & a Half Men a comedic sensation. Sheen’s critical, exacting, downright funny, spot-on blunt speak is patently Virgoan. Being of service by telling the world what they need to hear, whether they like it or not, can take its toll on anyone.

Sheen’s well-publicized life of vice and excess has made him a poster boy for instant gratification and self-indulgence. Truth be told, there is a little of Charlie Harper, or Sheen in each one of us, only on a much smaller scale, thankfully. I’m addicted to caffeine and beautiful things … or is it thangs? What’s your vice? Charlie reminds us not to cast stones. The glass just might shatter; and that stuff can sure get expensive.

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