Full Moon in Aries: Let’s Fuckin’ Go!!!
Full Moon in Aries: Let’s Fuckin’ Go!!!

Full Moon in Aries: Let’s Fuckin’ Go!!!

Aries is the cardinal sign of action. This sign is all about doing. Aries will always let you know where they stand and is usually very forthright and does not typically mince their words. In a world full of passive aggressive BS and PC evasiveness, this can be refreshing to many, or offending to some. Aries couldn’t care less! They’re the type to blaze new trails and start new trends. This full moon in Aries energy is perfect for starting something new! Use the next two weeks to plant the seeds that will grow into trees of success at the corresponding new moon in Aries on April 8, 2024. Carpe diem! Aries embodies other A words: action, assertive and awe inspiring! The cardinal fire energy is the spark that gets shit going!

Check out our Aries Ram Skull T-Shirt and Ballcap in our shop!

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