The Full Moon in Libra will come at an interesting time. It’ll come opposed to the Sun and Mercury in Aries as well as Uranus. Saturn and Mars in Capricorn will make things rather serious and the Full Moon is a Blue Moon, meaning it’s the second full moon of March. There were no full moons in February 2018 so we’re making up for it this month with 2. Watch for rash actions and don’t move too quickly. Mercury is still retrograde until April 15th in Aries so perhaps a matter surrounding a partner is unclear or will take some time to sort out. That’s fine, give it time, have patience and always strive to be fair and to have only fair relationships, no lop-sided affairs. Each relationship is a delicate balance of give and take. The Libra Full Moon will accentuate this fact. We need others to succeed. No one makes it entirely on his or her own. Success is a team sport and it’s important to play fair.