Rebirth of the SunShign
The winter solstice on December 21st is the shortest day of the year. When night falls it will give way to the full moon lunar …
Random thoughts, musings and factoids. Food for thought.
The winter solstice on December 21st is the shortest day of the year. When night falls it will give way to the full moon lunar …
Doesn’t this look a lot like the CBS eye? I used to work for the CBS Television Network and each paycheck I took home was …
…is fear itself.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt. U.S. President Roosevelt’s immortal words were more prophetic than anyone could ever realize. Roosevelt was born under the progressive …
Okay, I admit it’s time to get real and quit being clever, coy, cute or artificial and show everyone my vulnerable side because to have …
The Sun is about to rise on the era of Neptune in Pisces, when we will see a proliferation of the arts and when we …
Want to wow your friends with a Wheel O’ SunShign? Well, here’s a chance to make the season bright with good cheer! For every wheel that we sell, we’ll donate …
Let’s celebrate the beautiful Full Moon energy in the powerfully resolute, resourceful and gracefully charming sign of Taurus. This Full Moon will serve as a …