We send Hallmark Birthday Greetings to a lovely lady who is truly unforgettable…
…and to a man who worked for a peacock delivering the news…
…as well as to the memory of a strikingly handsome Ramon Navarro as Ben-Hur…
…and Happy Hallmark Birthday Greetings to the memory of the US President who came straight from central casting … “The Gipper,” as he was known as an actor. Ronald Reagan was a fervent champion of the stars and he was probably astrology’s most powerful ally and its highest-ranking subscriber. As governor of California, Reagan removed astrologers from the classification of fortune tellers under state law and by doing so he allowed them to earn compensation for their work. He and his lovely, dainty Cancerian wife Nancy took a lot of flak for giving credence to astrology by consulting their personal astrologer Joan Quigley. In true thespian fashion, when asked about his astrological musings, Reagan brushed it off, saying something to the effect of, “Well, (almost everything Reagan uttered began with a ‘well’) Nancy and I may peek at the horoscopes in the Sunday paper but I don’t see any harm in that…”